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The ASP.NET team has announced that Entity Framework 7 was renamed to Entity Framework Core 1.0. All of these are reset to version 1, creating a well-defined line between the previous versions and these new versions. Entity Framework Core (EF Core) provides a familiar developer experience to previous versions of EF, including LINQ, POCO, and Code First support. Entity Framework Core 1.0 also enables access to data across relational and non-relational stores. Entity Framework Core 1.0 is much more lightweight than previous versions and is built from the ground up to work great in the cloud (using ASP.NET Core 1.0) on devices (i.e. in universal Windows apps) as well as in traditional .NET scenarios. Due to the resources Entity Framework Core 1.0 uses, there’re only a few web hosting companies in USA can support Entity Framework Core 1.0 hosting. In this review, we have selected the best USA Entity Framework Core 1.0 hosting provider for you to look more or their rich features, excellent customer support, high reliability and affordable price.

Why Should You Make The Move to Entity Framework Core 1.0 Hosting?

Entity FrameworkCore 1.0 Hosting is now very extensible with custom Migrations, custom mapping conventions, and the introduction of Dependency Injection patterns to open up low-level DbContext configuration. There are new methods and properties that allow simpler and smarter coding patterns.

Stuff for Free
Among the reasons you should upgrade to EF6 are the features you get without any work on your part. For instance, with EF6 you should find that in applications with lots of tables and relationships defined, your context objects open faster.
Stored Procedures for CUD
EF 6 gives code-first developers something developers using the visual designer have always had: The ability to use stored procedures when you call SaveChanges to perform the updates to the tables represented by the entity classes.
Customizing Entity Framework
If you’re not happy with the conventions and defaults EF uses, you can modify them. For example, if you know that in your database, all primary key fields are Guids with “PK” at the end of their names, you can add a new convention to EF.
Intercepting Requests
In addition to specifying EF defaults and conventions, you can also massage the ADO.NET queries EF issues and the results those queries return (or cancel them or log them or …). EF6 not only lets you intercept EF-generated SQL, but also lets you modify the SQL and have EF use your modified version.
Configuring in Code
Modifying ADO.NET calls is just one of the many ways you can configure EF. Prior to EF6, most of those configuration options required you to fiddle with XML in your application’s config files. EF6 now allows you to configure those options with code.

Entity Framework Core 1.0 Hosting With ASPHostPortal.com

ASPHostPortal.com has served people since 2008 and they know how to deliver Powerful, Fast and Reliable Entity Framework Core 1.0 Hosting with the Superior Customer Support. Their superior servers are housed in 12 different countries with up to 1000 MB/s connection and Cisco Hardware Firewalls. Fully managed and monitored around the clock, their servers run on Windows Operating system with lots of memory (RAM) and up multiple Quad-Core Xeon CPU’s, utilizing the power of the Cloud Services. Their Entity Framework Core 1.0 Hosting plans come with up to 99.99% uptime and 30-Day Full Money Back Guarantee.

Entity Framework (EF) is a popular data access technology for .NET applications. Entity Framework Core 1.0 (EF Core) is Microsoft’s reboot of Entity Framework for the new “mobile first, cloud first” world. According to the roadmap, EF Core will become the official version at some point in the future when the team feels that they have a critical mass of important ORM features implemented.

Price & Service Entity Framework Core 1.0 Hosting With ASPHostPortal.com

With EF Core, data access is performed using a model. A model is made up of entity classes and a derived context that represents a session with the database, allowing you to query and save data. You can generate a model from an existing database, hand code a model to match your database, or use EF Migrations to create a database from your model (and evolve it as your model changes over time).


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Host One



Host Unlimited Sites

5 GB Disk Space

60 GB Bandwidth

2 SQL Server db

SQL Server 2008/2012/2014

200 MB SQL Server / db

200 MB Email Space

Host Two



Host Unlimited Sites

15 GB Disk Space

150 GB Bandwidth

4 SQL Server db

SQL Server 2008/2012/2014

500 MB SQL Server / db

500 MB Email Space

Host Three



Host Unlimited Sites

50 GB Disk Space

500 GB Bandwidth

6 SQL Server db

SQL Server 2008/2012/2014

1000 MB SQL Server / db

1000 MB Email Space

Host Four



Host Unlimited Sites

Unlimited Disk Space

Unlimited Bandwidth

10 SQL Server db

SQL Server 2008/2012/2014

1500 MB SQL Server / db

1500 MB Email Space

ASPHostPortal.com offers Entity Framework Core 1.0 Hosting with affordable price. They support this new technology with great server performance, a lot of ASP.NET features, daily backup service, 24/7 support, and easy installation. They strive to make sure that all customers have the finest web-hosting experience as possible. To learn more about their Entity Framework Core 1.0 Hosting, please visit http://asphostportal.com/Entity-Framework-Core-1-0-Hosting


Best and Recommended Entity Framework Core 1.0 Hosting in USA